We have revived our old blog to share our travels with our family, friends and our future selves. We've changed our names around a little to keep our privacy. We hope you enjoy your visit!
Aussie and I went to cheer on the hometown 'ice hockey' team tonight as they faced the Edmonton Oilers. A great friend of mine was able to find us some superb tickets and so we got to see the game form a great vantage point. Aussie was all geared up to go as we left the neighbourhood and headed for the arena. She did wonder if the game would be played indoors. Thankfully yes, though many of us Canadian boys recall many a cold, cold winter morning when we strap on the skates, head to a friend's pond and skate the entire day away. Ahh, young legs. When we arrived at Scotiabank Place we stopped for a few quick photo ops on the way in. Here we are approaching the arena: and then outside the main doors where the massive posters of he current heroes hang larger than life: We stopped in at Bert's for a quick bite. It had a Bahamas theme, so I just had to grab a photo of Aussie in front of the palm trees: Soon enough they were ready to drop the puck. The special effects on the ice were pretty cool. Here's the best shot I could get of the ice 'on fire' Before the game is actually my favourite part. The playing of the national anthem. Here's the full video:
and here's a shot of them passing around a huge Canada flag. We got in a before photo:
as Aussie mentioned several times what a great time she was having. To boot, we even scored the first goal!! We took a 1-0 lead into the first intermission and were off to check out the rest of the arena. Here we are hanging out with the 'Sens-squatch' who regaled us with stories of his adventures in Australia (small world) and with Spartacat, the Ottawa Senator's Mascot: Please note that even he is sporting a mustache this month. So I'm not the only one with weird facial hair.
All-in-all we had a fantastic time, though the visitors did the rest of the scoring and finished 4-1. It was a fantastic night as 'host-father' and 'daughter'. Thanks Aussie for the memories.
For those of you who may be unaware, I decided to support Movember this month. By growing a mustache, I chose to 'change the face of men's health' by raising awareness and a few $$ for the fight against prostate cancer. Here are some photos of my finished work:
If you're interested in supporting me, you can check my 'mo space' here. Here's looking forward to a good shave and a close kiss from my darling wife. Thanks for your patience over the last month sweetheart.
Big C has had a great couple of weeks at school and at his daycare. He's been working hard to get some smiley faces every day from his teachers and so far the system is serving him very well. Week one he was working for some kids toothpaste that he had picked out. Week two it was a cowboy hat (and his brother got one too once he came through). Week three.....Buzz Lightyear pajamas! Let's hope that he has another great week!
This morning Aussie had her first Canadian snowfall gently falling as she got up. She was quite excited and went around the house to each of the windows with the boys, each time saying 'Cool'. Here are the photos of her 'wow' morning - had to try most without the flash since otherwise you couldn't make out the snow.
I am just returning from a week on the West CoastWhile I was there I got the chance to see my cousins (of whom I managed to grab 0 photos) My uncle (pictured here) and my cousins daughter (my second cousin??). It was great to see the family!!
Our home has once again been graced by the presence of a guest. This time around we went Aussie! She arrived in Ottawa early, early in the morning on Saturday after 48 hours or so of travel, delayed flights, landing in Ottawa (and not being allowed off the plane since it had been re-routed from Toronto), going to Toronto, being denied a night's sleep in a hotel since there were only 5 Aussie girls and no chaperones, then landing in Ottawa at 1:15 am.Phew! She was able to get a little sleep on Saturday morning before some time with the family and sharing presents. She brought us many wonderful things from her homeland, including some outstanding Aussie national footballs shirts for the all of the boys, including daddy, some really neat books, boomerangs for Big C and Monkey, delightful artwork and candles for Saje and some great songs on CD (and that was not even the complete list). Here is Aussie reading the book about 'The Cocky who cried Dingo!" to Monkey and here's Big C sporting his new shirt on the runway. We were blown away by the generosity of her and her family. With just a few short hours to settle in, the party was ready to begin, but not before a quick break outside in the 10 degree 'heat' of a fine November day to blow some bubbles in the yard. We invited over a few teenage girls her age who'd be going to her school as well as about 15 adults and their children (about 22 or so of them too). Aussie had a fantastic time and got to meet many of our friends while sharing some turkey dinner and all of the fixin's. A great time was had by all. The boys have already taken to her like a big sister (here she is with Big C playing Lego in the basement) and we already think of her as a daughter. We're overjoyed she's a part of our family for the next few months and can't wait to make some fabulous memories together.
It snowed right before Halloween this year so it was really, really cold! Normally we would add some warmth under the suits, but this year it was full out winter suits under there! Luckily we had a ghostly repeat from last year so Monkey could easily wear his jacket under his ghost costume. Big C couldn't keep up with Monkey and E-man, but he did his best as a little Buzz Lightyear. it was a fun year all around and we have a SCARY amount of candy!!!
So apparently the DVD/Blue Ray for this little baby came out in 2008...where have I been? I'm resisting the urge to buy this one and putting it in the boys Christmas wish list instead. It is currently on sale at Future Shop for $25 for the Blu Ray and $20 for the DVD...until November 4.
I did already buy the Toy Story 3 movie as it was on a massive sale the day it came out : )