Thursday, June 4, 2009

Monkey's soccer update - weeks 1 and 2

Things have been rather busy 'round here, so I apologize to the regular followers that we've gotten behind. With the summer break only 3 weeks away (that's right.....3 WEEKS!) I'm sure that there will be lots of blogposts to follow. I already have plans to go to the wave pool, the museum of nature and the mint, so please be patient!
As for the regular goings on, Monkey has started his U6 soccer. Being the soccer nut that I am, I volunteered to coach his team. I thought that it might be a good opportunity to spend some one on one time and hang out. I assumed that like the last 2 summers we'd be nestled in our neighbourhood week in and week out. Not so. Not at all. We're already traveling within about a half an hour drive of our place in almost every direction. Ah well, I'll get to know the city parks better.
The first night was gloriously sunny (please recall that I'm the coach and mommy is at home with Big C, so there won't be any pictures until I get an official photographer volunteer to come to the games). We did our 45 minutes of practice which were a lot of ideas that I got form a 2-hour coaching clinic. We did a big movement warm-up, which always includes a few waves to mom and dad on the sidelines, followed by some passing and a game of shark. A few other silly, fun things thrown in and we're ready for a game.
The bee-hive.
12 kids (6 per team) swarmed around the ball.
A little tired since they're past their bedtimes.
A little hungry for snack.
An incredible amount of fun.
They all have a blast chasing the ball and smiling up a storm.
We did team 'A' and team 'B' since we had 12 kids so each bunch got some time on the field, and each team got to rest. It was a great time.
On the way home, Monkey and I had the following conversation:
Monkey: 'you know what daddy?'
Daddy : 'nope. what'
Monkey: 'I love you'
Daddy: (holding back tears as this had come out of nowhere): 'what makes you say that buddy?'
Monkey: 'Because you're nice'

The next day I heard from him at the table how he was telling everyone how his daddy was the coach of his team and it was really cool.

You just got yourself a summer's supply worth of popsicles and hugs little guy.

(week 2 to follow...this got a little long)


Nuyanne said...

Okay, our Big C and Little C want in on this wave pool, museum and Mint action. Are you taking reservations? One adult and two toddlers please!

PS: We need a new poll...

Saje said...

You are always welcome. Don't forget that Daveis home all summer. This tends to involve a LOT of fun and frolic!