Sunday, June 13, 2010

The big day has finally arrived. Big C has started soccer.
I was telling one of the dads this past week that after last summer he started asking everyday "is it time for 'tofoganning' yet?" every single day.
Finally the snow fell.
The very next day....
'Yes Big C'
"When do I start playing soccer?"
"how soon"
'fifty sleeps"
"Is that until I can count to"

Thankfully the fifty sleeps (and fifty time asking how many more sleeps) have come and gone.
Here we are getting ready:

And he's loving it.
Here he is in his 'blue dinosaur' team uniform practicing all of his skills.
Lining up with all of his team mates (including three of his very good friends....Lady M, Miss Chewbacca and Nexta)

These two are just inseparable at practice.

Running towards the ball
Giving it a big boot
Going in for a tackle on the ball

An action shot of Lady Chewbacca:And, all importantly, stopping the ball with his foot and keeping it there (daddy uses that as a tool for listening during it)

He's having such a good time.
Look out World Cup 2026!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Love it! Please send soccer schedule :-)