Sunday, May 31, 2015

Herman the German Friendship Bread

Abut 11 days ago, a friend gave me one of those yeasty globs that we've all seen.  This guy was called "Herman".

The boys and I have been stirring him and feeding him and otherwise caring for his few needs.

Today it was time to cook him up.  Okay, it was actually time a couple of days ago, but whatever.

The boys and I got to work putting the few required ingredients together. 

 I had scored a few of these big cans of pineapples for $0.30 each last week, so we randomly opted to make Herman in to a pineapple upside-down cake.
 I know that pineapple is very acidic and can change the way the chemicals react in cooking.  I contemplated exploeing this, but my mom was asleep so I couldn't call her to ask and I couldn't be bothered to Google it, so we boiled it up with some brown sugar and figured that we didn't have a whole lot to lose.
 Old school hand mixing...
 Hand mixing selfie:
 He passed the boy's approval.  Since it was Sunday we opted to have a piece both before and after dinner.
The pineapples made it even yummier.


Christy said...

Hi there WB family. Herman looks delicious! I am mostly writing to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog every day. I should comment more to let you know you have an audience! But do know, that almost every day, if it's past 11:30am EDT I think. " I need to check the WB blog" ..and I do. So thanks for putting in the effort. I am so happy for you all to be having such a grand adventure.

Saje said...

Thanks Christy! I love hearing that people are interested in our little adventure over here :) It's the reason that I keep the blog going.