Sunday, December 21, 2008

Man I LOVE this VIBE!

I really, really like this car!! I have been looking for a second table for the basement for the boys to create scenes on or play with stuff on that they don't have to put away as soon as they are done with it. Stuff like lego and Playmobil. I've been scouring but had yet to find the perfect thing.

Today I logged on from a friend's place and saw a fabulous table for FREE on The thing is 7' X 4' X 16" and super sturdy. I had to have it!!
Of course, what better car than the Vibe* that we all know I love so much to go and pick it up?

It was a bit big to fit inside the car so we strapped her to the roof. In doing so we tied the three of us into the car. I just had to get photos!
Some things you can explain to a host student before she comes, and some things you just have to let them experience for themselves.
The phenomenon that is "Saje and" simply needs to be experienced : )
*no Vibes, tables or exchange students were injured or damaged in the making of this blog post.

1 comment:

PB said...

Nice touch on the pic! Somethings fall in the I just don't want to know category.