Friday, August 7, 2009

mommy and daddy's aventure lafleche

On the first day of our staycation we took it easy.
We went out for breakfast.
We went for a rollerblade in the sunshine and dropped by several of our friends houses.
We lazed around the house.
It was quite relaxing.

On the second day of our staycation...not so much.
We did the summit extreme ziplining at Aventure Lafleche.
And it was awesome!

Here we are starting out in the parking lot getting all ready to go.
We spent some time training with our guide, Tigger / Gaby. He was quite entertaining and made the journey lots of fun. Then we were off onto the high ropes course that lead to the ziplines. I must say that no one told us that we'd have to do so much work to get to the zip lines.
Here is my lovely bride climbing through the first few sections of the course.
Here's me going through one of the first ziplines. This was just a taste of what was to come.

The weather largely held out for us. We had a little sun, a lot of grey, some light rain and a huge downpour...however we were tucked underneath a dry spot when it hit. Phew!
We both went at it full on. We had a small group of 7 people, so we had some flexibility in our timing and could get adventurous. I had some good moments traveling through the course:and other moments of struggle:
My sweetie camouflauged well into the background from head to toe in black:

But there she is up close:
Here's a few videos of the the two of us on the ziplines. I loved the experience itself, but I also think that the sound is just too cool. It sounds like a train leaving the station or the wail of a siren starting. The first video is of me trying to come across the 'trapeze line' (or so I call it). Note the term 'trying' to come across. I was, I think, the only person to have a fall on the course:

and here's my sunshine going across one of the ziplines:

The view was absolutely breathtaking. The company that runs it has a very responsible eco-friendly set of policies. We were quite impressed all around. Here's a gorgeous open spot on the course:

And the zipline at the end over a gorgeous lake:
We finished off by climbing around a rock face on the lake:

It was totally awesome. Thanks for setting this up sunshine.
I love you.
(and I can't wait to bring the boys when they get big / old enough)


Nuyanne said...

Of course you fell off the trapeze course, the guide ropes looked way out of proportion to your height! I don't think you are supposed to have to duck walk that one...

Unknown said...

Hi it's Gaby! I was looking for pictures to put my cv into a powerpoint presentation for my new job. I ran into your website and I'm glad to see you enjoyed your experience! :)


Unknown said...


I'm Gaby, your then-tour guide! I was looking for pictures to do a powerpoint version of my CV so my new boss could present me to the CEO of my new company. I ran into your blog, and I'm glad you enjoyed your experience with us :).

I hope you're okay with me taking a picture of you ziplining, if not it's fine!
