Friday, July 24, 2015

We Are Actually Returning to Canada, and Other Stuff

We pulled the trigger today.  We are booked on flights leaving New Zealand on January 15 and landing in Canada also on January 15 (the date line is a funny thing!).

It was a weird feeling hitting the button to book the flights.  On the one hand, with the exception of deportation, there is no inexpensive way home.  So pressing that button is expensive. Uggg, so expensive.

It was a surprisingly emotional moment as well.  We live in a kind of suspended animation this year. So returning home is awesome as we are heading back to everyone and everything that we know. To life. To normal...everything.  So awesome.  

In the same push of a button we are planning to leave our life here.  A life we are loving and people we've connected with.  A life that we know that we will never return to.  So life in Ottawa will be there when we get back, but this life will be gone.  So there is a mourning that happens once the button is pushed.  Like somehow if I don't push it I can delay the inevitable.  Hold on to this life a bit longer.

There are still 37.5 bottles of wine in this house, so no one is going anywhere yet!!!

This is what the house looks like today.  The short one is in the playroom toying with the laws of physics.
 The tall one is in the great room learning to juggle. Toying with physics appears to be the theme.
What else would you do on a Friday evening? Dave and I are off to the local wine bar with some friends.


Carla said...

I love the toying with physics part! Roxy and I are having a Netflix Night tonight :-)

Unknown said...

A 0.5 bottle of wine? Sheesh get on that.