Sunday, October 11, 2015

Boys weekend - last one for 2015

With SJ out of town, we took the opportunity to do 'boy activities' to liven things up.
Some friends invited us out to their parents alpaca farm. Here is BigC trying to get one to kiss his hands.

We followed up on Sunday by checking out 'Scupltures in the Garden' at one of my favourite wineries - Rosby wineries. They run a huge fundraiser for the Guide Dogs and show off / sell hundreds of sculptures. The boys and I wandered around for an hour and a half checking out which ones were our favourites, as well as using the guidebook to guess at how much each one as being sold at. They ranged from $100 to more than $18 000!
Here is one of my favourites:
Monkey tried to narrow his down to a top 3.
Here is a limestone sculpture he thought was very cool (at more than $10k we left this one behind)
This one made heaps of people chuckle (at $11k it also stayed here)
BigC thought that the wax rowboat and red boots was really cute
While Monkey checked out the lions made from bent railway spikes (Ok, this one was $10k, remind me to NEVER allow Monkey to go to an art show with my credit card)...
Before we left we just had to get a photo with their combined favourite - the roos! (unfortunately all of them were already sold, however I know that they wouldn't fit into our luggage).

After this we headed to a different winery to check another item off our to-do list. The Stein Vintage motorcycle museum.

Both boys thought that this was so very cool. Most of the motorcycles were from the 1950's and featured descriptions and photos of the winery owner racing them on local tracks in his hay day. 

We finished the weekend off with a solid dinner of steak and bacon pizza.
It was a wonderful 'boys weekend' and I look forward to having many more once we return to Canada.

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