Friday, September 26, 2008

Yes it's true

Yesterday, as I was getting up, I looked out the window and off in the distance I spot the one that got away.    Monkey and I put our shoes on and went out in our PJs to go and grab it.  Can you tell what it is yet?
Action shot taken while walking...what is this wonderous thing??
Glory be!!  It isn't one hockey net IT IS TWO HOCKEY NETS!!!!
Yay!!  I threw them over one shoulder, took Monkey by the other hand and we went to the bakyard and played soccer in the dewy grass with our PJs on.  Shay-la-la is lucky that it was 7:30 and we didn't want to wake her up on her day off.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a good idea to use thaem as soccer nets, Nice score
