Saturday, February 28, 2015

I couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with a tennis ball if my life depended on it

I once knew a spatz, girl, sister of mine who fell and broke her wrist trying out for the junior high basketball team AND STILL MADE THE TEAM.  I've always suspected known with absolute certainty that the reason that she made the team was because she is 6 feet tall.

What's my point?  I only kinda had one with that story, I just think it is a funny story.

I often just open the front door and whip compost out in to the garden here.  At home it is the back door and when I lived on the 9th floor of an apartment building I used to put compost in the blender and pour it off of the balcony (yes, the grass under our balcony was shockingly green).

This is my front porch here in Oz.
 One would think that I would easily be able to jettison compost in to the garden with no difficulties.  I mean, seriously, there is a sh*t tonne of open air to be had here.
 NOPE.  I hit that post or the eaves EVERY SINGLE TIME!!  This morning's egg shells are in the photo, on the ground in front of the planter as evidence.  If you told me that you would give me a million dollars to consistently hit that pole I would fail within minutes.



Unknown said...

I once knew a girl who raced to the top of a ladder with the camera timer on... ;-)

Saje said...

Bahahaaha! Gold. That is another moment of pure gold in our family's history.

Grandma C said...

Well, I also remember "one of you" skiing a few runs, complaining that your boots were hurting your feet, until we discovered they were on the wrong feet.