Saturday, July 4, 2015

Queensland Vacation Day 8-a Driving Day

Last night it was a beautiful temperature for sleeping and we slept well with a couple of night waking.   Tonight no children are permitted to drink any water after 6!!!  I'm not walking ANYONE to the bathroom in the dark tonight!
 Today is a long driving get day so that we can have an entire day on the Great Barrier Reef on Monday.

We woke up and I cooked breakfast.  People around us were asking to join us!  This is a kg of bacon (we didn't eat it all) and French toast with cheese.  Yummy!

 I would like to point out that I did significantly better at parking the camper van next to the slab this time!
We got up and walked along the beautiful beach front.  We would have loved to stay there all day and just relaxed for sure!
The drive today is along a long stretch of really boring highway.  They have heaps of signs reminding drivers to rest and they even have trivia questions and answers along the way.

I suspect this guy wasn't playing the trivia game as keenly as Dave:
 We came up on a controlled burn:

So the camper van,  as previously mentioned, is a Ford.  It is a 6 speed manual transmission.  Anything over 80km/h and you are in 6th gear.  Highway speed up here is 110km. The speedometer goes up to 220!  We've had time to discuss the possibility of this thigh actually attaining that speed.  The consensus is that if we got it going downhill loaded for bear we might stand a fighting chance. I don't want to see it try to corner at the bottom though!!


Grandma C said...

Oh goodness, your days are long! I hope it's still fun. Is Big C still happy about the camper van or is the novelty wearing off? ... and ... did you find the rattle? I could have helped!

Saje said...

Oh. My. Goodness. Mom EVERYTHING RATTLES. I wouldn't even know where to begin! Some stuff squeaks, other things shake, some stuff rattle, the dishes clatter. It would make you crazy!! Well, it would certainly give you something to do on the long driving days!!!