Wednesday, January 13, 2016

NZ Day 30 - Auckland - Rainbow's End

If you don't know that Monkey is  roller coaster fiend then I am not even sure why you are checking this say that he was excited for this day to come is one of the single most understated things on this blog.

 First ride of the day and we got the front row!!
 Of course we had to try the back row as well...
Look, I'm not suggesting that this park is the cause of the hole in the ozone layer...but we burned a lot of fuel riding race cars, lapping cars and bumper boats. At points in the day I felt a bit fuzzy in my head from the gas we'd been inadvertently huffing. 
 BigC was the surprise race winner most of the races that we did.
I don't have a video (since I was on the course at the time laughing and shaking my head) but the biggest child (like the really tall one, not the medium sized one) may have been trying to pass the shortest one and spun him out causing the yellow flags to wave while the attendants had to come and flip the 9 year old's car back the right way.
There is a race track and a just driving track where you are not allowed to pass (apparently passing can cause problems, who knew...)
You get to do two laps, if you're really slow they pull you over after one lap and let everyone pass you. Monkey got pulled over!!!  He was horrified! We laughed our heads off. He's getting *better* at rolling with such laughter.
So there is this ride that lifts you up high, spins all the riders around in a big circle and then spins the pairs around in circles as well. Or something like that. It was fun-once.
Oh bumper boats. It's bumper cars but with more gas huffing. Look, I wore a skirt to the park. Oh how very Britney Spears of me. Nubs and bobs all over the place. I had to grab the jumper from my bag and use it as a visual shield.

There is no way to do this ride and not get soaked.
Every time I was just starting to feel the my backside was almost dry one of this children would decide we should return to bumper boats. Bless. 

When the effects of gas huffing were wearing down we would be back on the race cars.

 And so on.
Tomorrow we intend to accomplish nothing. We know that the next few weeks will be absolutely nuts, so we plan to take it easy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a great day!
(preparing to defrost the mincemeat)