Friday, December 15, 2006

Background on Big C's Reflux Issues

Big C was 10 pounds 4 ounces at birth. At 8 weeks I figured out that his total misery was being caused by acid reflux. I brought him to the local clinic and the doctor there prescribed Zantac. I also stopped eating all dairy.

Our GP never believed me that Big C had reflux and I had to continue go to another doctor to get the medication prescribed. Our GP continued to encourage us to try to take Big C off of his medication. Around 7 1/2 we took Big C off of his medication.

When he was 6 months old we introduced solid foods. He hated them. Really, really hated them. You can see the pictures of that unhappy event at the side of this post. We have tried since then to get him to eat but he seems to be unable to eat. His tongue pushes food back out of his mouth and if any food does get in, he vomits.

Now at 10 months old he is only 19 pounds, not even double his birth weight. We went to the GP last week and he made a referral on Friday for us to see a GI specialist at CHEO. What should have taken a couple of months is taking a matter of days-they are worried about our little guy.

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