Thursday, November 19, 2009


Monkey has always had dry skin. By conicidence we have always used a really great stick moisturiser on him sold by Rocky Mountain Soap Company. It fit in the diaper bag, my purse, ect. We ran out this year and started using generic moisturisers on his hands. Eeeek! They got red and scaly and angry! I started using grapeseed oil mixed with vitamin E oil. This should be lush and fantastic. Instead of helping, it made his hands REALLY ANGRY.

My poor child was crying and upset a lot of the time. Finally grandma clued in that it is eczema. Of course! No wonder the Eczema relief body butter has worked so well all these years! He actually needed that specific product!

Nuyanne loaned me some Skin Fix and I have the tail end of a body butter stick that I'm using on his hands for now. I've ordered more of the body butter as well as some Skin Fix (free shipping from and am anticipating thier arrival soon. In the meantime his hands are doing much better with the Skin Fix and he is striking a balance between using the alcohol based sanitizers all the time at school and still washing enough to stay clean and healthy.

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