Heather gave each of the boys cash for Christmas. Today she took them out to shop for toys with that cash. First she filled them full of chocolate chip pancakes and hot chocolate, THEN she took them to the toy store.

From what I am told, Big C selected this bus pretty early on. Despite being shown numerous other options, his heart was set on it. He even had a little bit extra left over to get a red motorcycle. FANTASTIC!!

After a successful morning of feeding, wrangling and shopping with two young children, Heather handed me the children with their new boxes of toys that needed constructing and then bailed.

I am no fool, and this is not my first rodeo. I flipped on a video to distract the boys and set to work constructing the bus. Every 5 minutes BigC would turn around and ask me if it was done. He wanted that BUS!

Since I am a superstar and have the knack...oh wait...since I had a friend over and got some help, we got it done and he was off. He played with it all day. He watched TV while leaning out of the chair and resting an arm on it. He played with it some more. He brought it to the party that we went to this evening...it went everywhere.
Then for the final test. It wasn't even a question. He pulled that bad boy into the bed with him and went to sleep. A winner!!!