Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Time!

The boys had a wonderful Christmas morning. The woke up at a reasonable time (I think that it was 6ish) and then we had a good snuggle. We went down and the boys opened up their stockings. Each of the boys were overjoyed. Monkey loved his recycling truck bin that was in his stocking and Big C was stoked about his playmobil Firetruck from his big brother. Since Monkey has an allowance this was his first Christmas buying gifts for people.
All the gifts certainly hit the mark for our boys:
The Lego table
The K'Nex and the Lightning McQueen sheets:
The Firetruck shirt and the clownface shirt (which he has worn one of each day since Christmas):
The shopping trip with H to be done later this week was super popular:
The games from their cousins:

Our family is certainly blessed.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Upon opening the amazing fire truck from his big brother, BigC's words were something along the lines of "I don't need any more gifts!" as he drove off with the truck. Monkey was obviously elated that BigC was so happy. A sweet brotherly moment truly in the spirit of giving.
Oh, and notice that it's the adults playing at the Lego table. We didn't want to go upstairs for [the delish] breakfast!