Sunday, March 25, 2012

Making Grandmas Birthday Cake

I would like to point out that this is likely my third post this whole month! It's like following us minute by minute ;)Grandma's birthday party is this evening (though Monkey and Daddy are stuck on a Cubs Camping trip after the person giving them a ride put them all in a ditch and they might not make it back in time-stay tuned!) So back to Grandma! Her party is tonight and the doodle and I are making her cake (as per the recipe that she provided to us :)
He's a great helper and is being trusted with lots of steps in the baking process.
Back to grandma-this is her favourite cake and we sure hope that she enjoys it!

1 comment:

Grandma C said...

I am so proud that you can be trusted to work at the stove. You're growing up so fast. The cake was perfect -- absolutely delicious. Thanks.