Saturday, November 14, 2015

4 Weeks From Right Now...

...we will be sitting on a plane that will take us out of Australia.  Parts of me are ready to get on that flight.  Parts of me are tempted to put my hands and feet on the door frame like a cat refusing a bath.  It's tempting, but our departure is inevitable.

We've started to pack. I've weighed bags.  I've negotiated with a 9 year old who wants to be permitted to bring home shorts whose front button no longer does up around his waist without significant effort.

 I've looked at the 4 huge fleece hoodies the 11 year old still has in Australia and wished I'd thought to send them home with my father in September.

I've hosted brunch with a group of Australians who generously offered to help us eat the remaining maple syrup.

We've consumed wine!  How could I forget that? We have been sticking to our 4 bottle a week required consumption rate.  It's a tough job, but we're up for it. 

Mostly I've been planning our next adventure.  The plane that leaves in 28 days is taking us to New Zealand for over a month. We are planning a huge trip to cover both islands over 35 days.

So we're sad to leave Australia and excited to experience NZ and excited to get home in January.  The only thing I am not even a little bit excited about is the cold.  

No.  Just no.  Come on Canada.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It takes really, really good friends to help with the maple syrup.
(If it helps at all, your Christmas gift is oriented towards keep you warm.)