If you are from Ottawa chances are good that you know
exactly what the
GGG is. If you are not from Ottawa here is a quick
explanation. Picture the nicest area of your city to live in. Picture all of the nice houses, nice cars the whole nine yards. Now imagine if all of the people in that neighbourhood decided to have a garage sale on the same day-if you are a garage sale-
ing kind of a person, chances are good that you would show up, even just to see. The prevailing theory seems to be that if rich people are selling
their stuff, it must be worth buying.
So we went. Rebecca and I suited up (after having to reschedule a car seat clinic some weeks ago so that it didn't fall today). Prior to going we mapped out what we needed. The bottom line was that neither one of us needed much of anything, but we still wanted to be there at 7:30 so that we could get the first crack at all of the rich people's crap that we don't even need anyways.
What did we buy? I bought a drum set to go along with the kids daily love for making music. We now have a drum, a moroca (<-sp??), and a tambourine that fits really nicely in your hand. How much does all of that cost? They were asking a dollar, I offered 50 cents. Sold.

Next we saw a pretty faded but structurally sound basketball net. Asking price $3, I counter with $2. Put it in the truck.

Moving right along to some brand spanking new Tupperware (it still had the plastic on it). I am thinking of Monkey's transition to junior
kindergarten in the fall and I spend 7 of the $8 she was asking and put that in the wagon.
We got stopped along the way and interviewed for a local community paper. Let me know if you see Beck and I hauling a wagon full of crap published somewhere-I can't remember who they said they were from.

I grabbed an ab roller for $4 and then I am rifling through a bin of goodies and I spy a harmonica. Now the boys love the harmonica that Aunt Heather got for them so when I see a plastic version with handles I am
intrigued. I ask how much. Much to my surprise she says "3 items for $0.25". Yeah, this woman knows how to garage sale. I pick up two Little
Tikes tools that we also in the bin, hand over my quarter and we are good to go.

Now the
finale. I was looking to get a grocery cart for Monkey. Earlier negotiations had not proven fruitful and I was still light one grocery cart.
Rebecca and I spot one just getting put out on display and we inquire. The reply is a mind boggling "$5". Barely unable to contain my excitement and still needing to see what I can do here I counter with $3, she
counters with $4 and a grocery cart that is in brand new condition and costs $35 new at Toys R Us gets loaded into the truck. I skipped the whole way back!!!
That was our morning, then we met up with the boys and went to soccer, then the Gloucester Fair. What an incredible day!!
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