This was a glorious Good Friday this year with a rather large crowd to boot. We had Uncle J and his girlfriend N up from the southern part of the province, as well as Uncle Phil and Aunt Jane (the new grandma and grandpa ... woo hoo!), Ross, Pawl and H, K2 and our crew. It was sunny, warm and beautiful!
We had the usual fare of goofing around with the little ones

(including climbing trees!)

making smarshmallows on the barbecue, and firing up burgers n sausages

. Mmmmmm....followed by butter tarts, maple treats and cinnamon buns. The family group shot was a large one this year. The more the merrier and it was certainly nice to have Uncle J and Nicole up for the journey.

We made the traditional trip to the creek where both boys got only a little dirty

(I'd feared much worse and had brought a change of clothes). It was so much fun to have the boys so involved this year. Ross was sure to join in and help out in jumping over the creek.
The bunny made his appearance while we gone and everyone enjoyed chocolately treats, neat-o books from H and Pawl,

treasures from Lulu, an interestingly shaped banana protector and some DVD's and underpants for the boys.

All too soon it seemed we were packing the cars back up and heading for the return trip home. This was another great year to remember with plenty of fun family memories.
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