For a number of reasons, we bought a new queen sized bed and put it in Monkey's room. Now when folks come to visit, they (you?) will have a comfortable bed to sleep in while you are here.
The new bed, of course, needed new bedding. We also suggested a new theme. Monkey jumped right on my suggestion of an outer space themed room. We bought the Olive Kids Out of This World comforter and pillow sham (not here yet) along with the Wallies for decoration. We painted an accent wall and a half and then, last night, we put up the Wallies.
To distract Big C, I gave him the camera and let him have at 'er. Believe me, this is a lot more helpful than letting him at the wallpaper cut outs!!! I've included some of the photos that he took for your enjoyment. Do keep in mind that he is 4 and was jumping up and down pretty much the entire time!! I took a few so that you would actually be able to see what the room looks like.
Monkey is over the moon (pun intended) with the new room as it comes together.
WOW. It looks fantastic!!!
Room looks good. Any chance you could take another photo of that rocket ship so I can get another look at it?
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