Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Diet Coke Mentos Experiment

A while back Monkey received a really cool little device for making a geiser out of a combination of Mentos and Diet coke. I was weary about using it in the backyard when the winter cold was going to make a big frozen syruppy mess. Finally, the day had come.
We started by assembling all the gear. Here's Monkey trying to make it all in one trip.
Here Monkey is putting the device together. Next it was time to count out the 7 Mentos that went in. He was very careful (there was a little voice inside my head whispering 'Just cut the blue wire'....maybe I've seen too many 90's movies).

The cord with the little pull string is pure genius.
You can see the effort and care that he's taking to get this just right.

Here we are ready to launch.
Doing the countdown.
And we're off! (youtube video to follow)

I feel that we'll be making a few trips to the grocery store to pick up some more supplies pretty soon. The smiles and jubilation are worth every penny.

1 comment:

Heather said...

love the happy dance he's doing!!