Thursday, August 12, 2010

The 'Art-Attack-O-Saurus"

The Dino museum and the sleepover at M&T's house where he watched "Art Attack" both had an impression on Monkey. Monkey got in his mind that he had to make an 'art attack-o-saurus'. Here's how the process worked out for him (to my knowledge his first process that he did entirely by himself):
Here's where he tore apart the box to get a flat sheet:We discussed proper scissor use. After monitoring his first few cuts here, we decided it best to move to the kitchen for the rest of the work:
Here are the sheets getting ready for their work:
The arms and legs are taking shape, and the head is currently at the bottom:
and now the finished product, proudly hung in the basement:
Big C got in on the fun too.

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