We have revived our old blog to share our travels with our family, friends and our future selves. We've changed our names around a little to keep our privacy. We hope you enjoy your visit!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Surgery and Recovery

Monday, May 23, 2011
Some health stuff-post 1
I'll start off by saying that my health continues to be fabsolutely groovy. That said, today's appointment with the surgeon didn't go the way I planned for it to (and man was I glad that I had a friend there with me). I expected that the surgeon would say that the fibroma in my driver's side breast was the same size as it was 8 months ago and that she was still fine with me opting not to have surgery and that we would follow up in 6 months. That is what she said last time. Instead she told me that there are actually two of them and that they are both slightly bigger than before and that she wants to remove them surgically this summer. I reminded her that in October, she was fine if I waited. She said that she was okay with that last time, but that she is getting less and less okay with that now. She said that I can continue to delay it, but that she will continue to monitor me and encourage me to have them removed. The only reason that she would stop doing that is if they got smaller, which she suspects is not happening.
She explained that she would suggest to remove any fibroma that is more than 2 cm. The small one is around 2.3 cm and the large one is between 2.9-3.2 cm. They are attached to each other apparently and are now visible through my skin.
So now I am left to think about what to do. 8 months ago I was fine with leaving things alone-largely because she seemed okay with that. Now that she is less okay I am feeling less okay.
I do not want to surgically invade an area of my body that could contain precancerous cells and expose them to the tender tissues that surround them. My mother is an 8 year breast cancer survivor, so this is a very real fear for me. It is one of the main reasons that I am tempted to leave well enough alone.
Oh yeah, some triggers that will make them grow that she warned me about:
*birth control pills=not applicable
*soy products=not applicable
*a large Tim Hortons hot chocolate with a splash of coffee=arrrrrggggggg (she actually said coffee or chocolate, but you know what I heard).
So now she is waiting to hear from me. I have no idea yet what I'm gonna decide.
**Some notes: the fibromas were found by mammogram. I elected to start getting mammograms at the age of 30 because of my mother's history. My fibromas are apparently not worth biopsying as they do not contain anything worth looking at. They will never, ever become cancer. The worst thing that they could do is get bigger, more painful and leave a bigger departure scar when they do get surgically removed.
Some health stuff-post 2
This is the post that went up on Facebook on May 3. My surgery is tomorrow morning at 9:45.
First off, thank you to everyone who has been so awesome in lending thoughts/supports/prayers/questions and so much more. My friends rock!!
Since my last booby update a bunch of stuff has happened, all of it is good and I am still super healthy-no worries : )
1-I met with my GP and got a referral for a second opinion. That should take about 3-5 months to get. As you will see as I go on, the surgery will actually happen long before that second opinion ever happens. I'm okay with that.
2-I've done a lot of research, asked a lot of questions and done a lot of asking God for the best answer.
3-I met with my surgeon along with Steph and Nuyanne and we sat around a conference table and asked a lot of questions and got a lot of answers and some new information. I wont bore you with the details, but the main points are as follows:
*the fibroadenomas are encapsulated and removing them does not involve exposing the rest of my breast to nasty tissues.
*the reason that the surgeon wants to take them out is that the larger of the two masses is more than 3 cm. At this size it is difficult to confirm that there is no presence of tumor. There is a 5% chance that there could be a tumor present. THAT SAID, there is only a 10% chance that if there is tumor present that it could be pre-cancerous. So that is a really small chance, but it is still there. For my non math friends, that is a less than 1% chance that what is there is pre-cancerous.
*they need to come out a some point, everyone agrees on that.
*They will not shrink, they will not go away.
*They continue to be very painful and to get more painful.
I like my surgeon. She has taken a lot of time to explain this whole process to me and my support people. I trust her. I am comfortable with her. I honestly don't think that I want to hear another opinion at this point. I think that it would muddy the waters for me. My doctor's information makes sense and is consistent with my research.
So, in conclusion, I will be having surgery on May 17, 18 or 24 at the Queensway Carleton. The actual date will be confirmed in the next couple of days.
*I will need to take a week off of work.
*I will need adult supervision for 24 hours after I get home and Dave is 99% sure that he will be able to take that time off of work. Frankly I probably need adult supervision in general, but that is a discussion for another day ; )
*I would love loans of movies and TV series' on DVD and Blu Ray. We don't have cable and I plan to sit/lay on the couch!!
*On the day of the surgery we may need someone else to pick the boys up at day care if we are tied up at the hospital.
I couldn't be more at peace with this decision. I am looking forward to having this whole thing behind me really, really soon :)
The hair

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Maxi the foster dog
*We've explained to the doodle that he needs to stay out of Maxi's bed : )
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Hog's Back
Mother's Day 2011
He comes back up with a Tupperware container full of cut mango that he found in the fridge :"here is your breakfast in bed mommy" he says proudly. He then goes on to explain that he tried to make me a peanut butter and jam sandwich, but he couldn't find the bread. Then he tried to make me cheese and crackers, but we were out of crackers-so this is what he found.
What an absolute sweetheart!!