Thursday, January 11, 2007

So why do we use cloth diapers?

Cloth diapering is just one of those things that form a part of our parenting. We choose to use cloth, others don't. We all raise our families the way that works for us.

So, why do I do it? Three reasons, in order 1-I do not like the sounds of the chemicals that they use in single use diapers, 2-there are huge environmental impacts, 3-it is way less expensive.

Single use diapers have been linked to asthma and male infertility to name just a few. They contain Sodium Polyacrylate Gel, (which was removed by the FDA from tampons because of its link to toxic shock syndrome), chlorine, Tributyl tin (a chemical compound which is known to disrupt sex hormones), dioxins. The list goes on. I wont pretend that I know or even understand what it all means. I just know that it sounds scary!

For every baby diapered with single-use diapers for a 2 1/2 year period, over 2 tons of waste is generated. Disposable diapers make up the 3rd largest single consumer item in our waste system – following newspapers and beverage containers. They account for nearly 4% of the total amount of solid waste, and 30% of the non-biodegradable waste. It takes 500 years for one disposable diaper to decompose. (I snagged this from

Well, the cost thing is easy. Even once you calculate the cost of buying the diapers and laundering them yourself (water, detergent, electricity) you are still coming out way ahead. In my case, I have even managed to sell my diapers when I was done with them and get a good chunk of my initial investment back-not bad!

So Big C's bum changes colour day by day! Sometimes he is in orange, then maybe blue...whatever we are in the mood for! I am loving my new dipes I bought them from Andrea at The Cloth Diaper Market. Click on the link to see her on line store and to find out how to see her in person

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