Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Big C's BIG Day-Birthday, first steps, appointment at CHEO

If you have not been keeping up with the blog then this entry will get you up to date on Big C. In summary, today is his birthday, he took his first steps and he met with his Occupational Therapist.

Big C turns one today-HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE MAN!!!

His day started off with a visit to the OT. His OT is really pleased with the way he is eating and has cancelled his barium eating study on the 15th. He still has his barium study on the 5th of March, though she says he really doesn't need it. He will meet with her again March 13.

She was pleased that he is asking for food though not as impressed that he asks by pointing and screeching. We are not having any success getting him to do the sign for "please" so we are going to start to try "more" and see how it goes.

She has helped us to recognise that our desire to put healthy options in front of him is a good desire to have, but not the priority right now. She explained that if he'll eat store bought chicken fingers, then feed him some chicken fingers along with other healthier foods that he doesn't like to eat. He'll finish the stuff that he likes and then move on to the other stuff, provided that we make sure he is still a little hungry. If you know my mother, you know that is a hard hurdle to jump over for me ; ) I think that both Monkey and Big C will be pleased that she (the OT) has suggested using pudding to try to teach him how to use the spoon!

Big C took his first steps (shhh, we have not told Daddy yet!). I caught some video of the second time that he did it. He is pretty pleased with himself.

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