Monday, April 30, 2007

Our fabulous train trip

Who wants to drive up the 401 crammed into a car with two kids? Not me, that is for sure!! I figured out a way to get a great deal on train tickets and we headed to London. I didn't get too many pictures taken since my hands were pretty full, but here are a couple.

When asked what his favourite part of the trip was, Monkey answered that it was peeing on the train. Yep, that's right folks. His favourite part of the train was the neat little bathroom. We were in there once an hour at least.

He loved watching the other cars go by, looking at the signals, seeing the GO train (since he and Grandpa watched a movie about the design and construction of the GO train), level crossings, hearing the train whistle and doing all of that while wearing his brand new conductor hat.

We caught the 6 am train out of Ottawa here we are watching it arrive at the station in Barrhaven. You can see in the last photo how tired Monkey was after the weekend-he had a blast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...wonderful pictures. I feel like I've had my "grandma fix."