I recall when Monkey went through this stage. The nipple-faced bear that stays on daddy's side of the bed, and often next the floor for the night, was afavourite of Monkey's to take each morning and laugh about. Well Big C is now doing the same. He cheerfully takes him (I think with mommy's help) out of the bedroom and down the stairs to where he can roam the main floor with him under his arm. The only thing cuter than him cruising the house with bear in tow is the smile on his face as he exclaims 'Cheeeeeeeeese' as I took this photo. Monkey had to get a photo with him too. What a pair!
We have revived our old blog to share our travels with our family, friends and our future selves. We've changed our names around a little to keep our privacy. We hope you enjoy your visit!
Friday, June 29, 2007
DPoD June 28th - School's out !!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
DPoD June 27th - Super Monkey!!!!
On Monday night Monkey and the rest of the family went to the local kids entertainment area for Messy Mondays. Mommy and Monkey had a great time making a superhero cape - an activity that both of them had been looking forward to all week (though I'm not sure who was looking forward to it more). They had a fabulous time going 1 - 2 - 3 - blahhh! and slamming handprints onto the piece of fabric. They even got all the wallflowers in the group involved and everyone had a great time - a real tribute to the wonderful mommy that these 2 boys have.
Once the cape had dried it was time for the unveiling of the world's newest superhero - SuperMonkey! Able to help small siblings in a single bound. Faster than a speeding locomotive! Is it a bird, a plane (both words that Big C knows now) or is it SuperMonkey?! He loves it when Big C and I ask where SuperMonkey is and then he comes bounding out of the tent and runs around the loop on our main floor. I'm sure that there will be more adventures to follow...same Monkey time, same Monkey channel.
DPoD June 26th - The 2 Train Sets
The time has come for each boy to have his own train set. I can hear the pride in grandpa's voice already. Monkey has a more elaborate set in his room with bridges and plenty of engines. There is also a gate on the door to his room now to keep Big C out of the room and away from the tracks. Big C has a less stylish / more practical layout with fewer engines. The tracks are also duct taped together and make a single unit when lifted. Now both boys can enjoy till their hearts content!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
They said yes
An update about my jaw:

I am still really surprised. I got a call from my insurance company tonight and, in conjunction with my extended healthy bennys, I have been approved to get braces. I was honestly setting myself up for them to say no, so I don't think that I was fully prepared for this to happen. I am excited and worried.
Brace face, train tracks...14 years old again, here I come!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
DPoD June 25th - While the Monkeys away, Big C shall play
Monkey is on an overnight sleepover at grandma and grandpa's house, so when Big C got up this morning there was no one else in line for any of the toys. It took about 10 seconds after mommy got on the morning bus for Big C to realize that all the toys that he normally either has competition for or has limited time with are now open game. We played with trains, trucks and every imagin
able toy in the house, including Lightning McQueen (aka Rookie Racer). What a fun morning! I miss the monkey, and I'm sure that Big C does too, just not when it comes to the toys.
able toy in the house, including Lightning McQueen (aka Rookie Racer). What a fun morning! I miss the monkey, and I'm sure that Big C does too, just not when it comes to the toys.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
DPoD June 24th - Mommy and Monkey Special Time
I found out upon my return from a night at a friend's cottage that Monkey and mommy celebrated some special time while I was gone. They had popcorn and snuggled on the couch watching 'Cars' together under a blanket. What a beautiful way to spend some time together while I was out.
Monkey has requested special time with mommy each day since and today it took the form of putting the 'blue water' on the plants to help them grow. It's fantastic to see the love and the bond between 2 of my favourite people in the world. Mommy doesn't hear often enough what a great mommy she is - so here it is - You're a wonderful mommy and a fabulous wife. We're fortunate in so many ways to have you in our lives. We love you with all our hearts for everything you do.
Friday, June 22, 2007
DPoD June 22nd - The Train Art Project
The boys wanted to do some art this morning, so we thought that we'd pull out the art bin and have a go. Big C picked out some of the train magazines and helped daddy to do every step of the work. I was quite impressed. He cho0se the trains that he wanted, he pushed on the scissors, he put the glue on the back of the trains (nearly by himself!), placed them on the paper and then patted them down. By far his favourite part was patting the trains into place.
Monkey was doing his own artwork with the trains and chose the deisel with no light and no coal tender. What a great way to spend a morning!
Enjoy grandpa!!
DPoD June 21st - Waking up with Daddy Snuggles
Thursday, June 21, 2007
The Free Tree Initiative
Would you like to make things a little greener? Save some of the CO2 from reaching the atmosphere?
Wanna do it for it free?
The city is giving away free trees - pretty ones at that - so long as you register and then later go get it yourself.
For more info here's the web adress with all the details:
We're hoping to post more ways to reduce your footprint on the Earth soon. If you have any ideas please comment!
Wanna do it for it free?
The city is giving away free trees - pretty ones at that - so long as you register and then later go get it yourself.
For more info here's the web adress with all the details:
We're hoping to post more ways to reduce your footprint on the Earth soon. If you have any ideas please comment!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
DPoD June 20th - The Promise of Raspberries
Monkey makes sure that we check the bush every day. So far there have only been little flowers which have now been replaced by the tiniest of little berrylings. Soon enough however there will be lots of afternoons where Monkey asks 'is this one red?'. I'm sure that Big C will be in on the game as well. Thank you mommy for making sure to bring along a healthy plant that has already grown enormously this spring.
DPoD June 19th - Monkey with a popsicle
Monday, June 18, 2007
DPoD June 18th - Monkey finally takes a nap
DPoD June 17th - Happy Father's Day Grandpa's
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Ouch, back off my business folks!

I recently was at an event where the fact that I am still breastfeeding 16 month old big C came up. This information was met with a chorus of "ew", "yuck", "gross" along with disgusted faces and people, educated people, squirming in their chairs.
It was the first time in the 3 years (total) of breastfeeding that I have come upon such incredibly rude behaviour.
It occurred to me later that if the same person had said "yeah, she smokes around the children" (I neither smoke nor permit anyone to do so near my kids) I don't think that people would have felt so free to respond as they did. Oh I think that many would have been thinking that smoking around children is not a good idea (or worse), but I don't think that any would have actually said it.
So this is strange to me. We all know that smoking poses health risks. While everyone might now agree with extended breastfeeding (breastfeeding beyond one year), I doubt that people think that it actually causes harm. So why was it okay to react that way with a person you had met 2 hours before?
I am not asking for people to agree or approve of the way that I raise my family, I am just asking for respect while I do what is right for my family. I will respect you while you raise yours.
Extended Breastfeeding

So why do we do it? For a number of reasons including, but not limited to the following:
Extensive research on the relationship between cognitive achievement (IQ scores, grades in school) and breastfeeding has shown the greatest gains for those children breastfed the longest. References
- The American Academy of Family Physicians notes that children weaned before two years of age are at increased risk of illness (AAFP 2001).
- Nursing toddlers between the ages of 16 and 30 months have been found to have fewer illnesses and illnesses of shorter duration than their non-nursing peers (Gulick 1986).
- "Antibodies are abundant in human milk throughout lactation" (Nutrition During Lactation 1991; p. 134). In fact, some of the immune factors in breastmilk increase in concentration during the second year and also during the weaning process. (Goldman 1983, Goldman & Goldblum 1983, Institute of Medicine 1991).
- Per the World Health Organization, "a modest increase in breastfeeding rates could prevent up to 10% of all deaths of children under five: Breastfeeding plays an essential and sometimes underestimated role in the treatment and prevention of childhood illness."
- Many studies have shown that one of the best ways to prevent allergies and asthma is to breastfeed exclusively for at least 6 months and continue breastfeeding long-term after that point. Breastfeeding can be helpful for preventing allergy by:
1-reducing exposure to potential allergens (the later baby is exposed, the less likely that there will be an allergic reaction),
2-speeding maturation of the protective intestinal barrier in baby's gut, 3-coating the gut and providing a barrier to potentially allergenic molecules,4- providing anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the risk of infections (which can act as allergy triggers). References - A US Surgeon General has stated that it is a lucky baby who continues to nurse until age two. (Novello 1990)
- The World Health Organization emphasizes the importance of nursing up to two years of age or beyond (WHO 1992, WHO 2002).
- Scientific research by Katherine A. Dettwyler, PhD shows that 2.5 to 7.0 years of nursing is what our children have been designed to expect (Dettwyler 1995).
References [see also position statements supporting breastfeeding]
Bennys for moms
- Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer (References). Studies have found a significant inverse association between duration of lactation and breast cancer risk.
- Breastfeeding reduces the risk of ovarian cancer (References).
- Breastfeeding reduces the risk of uterine cancer (References).
- Breastfeeding reduces the risk of endometrial cancer (References).
- Breastfeeding protects against osteoporosis. During lactation a mother may experience decreases of bone mineral. A nursing mom's bone mineral density may be reduced in the whole body by 1 to 2 percent while she is still nursing. This is gained back, and bone mineral density may actually increase, when the baby is weaned from the breast. This is not dependent on additional calcium supplementation in the mother's diet. (References).
- Breastfeeding reduces the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. (References).
- Breastfeeding has been shown to decrease insulin requirements in diabetic women (References).
- Breastfeeding moms tend to lose weight easier (References).
If you do a google search and you'll see lots more reasons why people breastfeed their children for the amount of time that is right for thier families.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
DPoD June 14th - The Thomas Tragedy

So this morning I checked my work e-mail to find that another Thomas parent found an article regarding a Thomas recall. The article can be found at http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=3275264&page=1
Please take a moment to look through your stock. We have currently removed 5 of his trains from circulation and are looking for James' tender (Monkey has been told that he gets a popsicle if he finds it so he's been looking non-stop). We'll get the boys lead tested just to be sure that they haven't ingested the lead since both of them have spent a good deal of time chewing on them.
DPoD June 13 - Teething Galore
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
DPoD June 12th - The Blue Bird House
Monkey and I had a great time painting the bird house this 

morning. We made it together at the Fun Day on Sunday and today seemed like the perfect time to sneak into the cool basement and paint it up. He determined that it should be blue, so away we went. We had a great time painting it and then we hung it in a spot where we can watch to see who occupies it!
DPoD June 11th - This is what it looks like when you fall asleep on your pacifier
Based on the imprint on the left side of his chest he looks like Dr. C to me!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Hi Teena

June 10-quote of the day
As spoken by Monkey during supper:
"Mommy, it would be delightful if you could bring that over to me"
"Mommy, it would be delightful if you could bring that over to me"
DPoD June 10th - Family Fun Day at the Slots
Monkey and Big C both started the day by checking out the reptiles. Big C was very interested in the really big snake, "then thought let's run away". Next Monkey pet the large alligator (easily identified by it's 'A' shaped nose rather than the 'C' shaped nose of the crocodile).
Monkey and daddy built a bird house since they didn't have the stuff to make a 'bunnypult', though I'm sure that'll be the next project.
We grabbed a video of Daddy and Monkey racing thier horse. There is also a lovely interlud of Big C running like...well, running like Big C with his big grin and his arms flailing. We will try to get the video posted but we never did manage to get the last one up. Nope, didn't work. I would love some help if anyone has more of a clue than me.
BTW, we have the video footage of "Phil Falling" loaded on to a DVD. We will be happy to distribute this to anyone who thinks that they can get it loaded for us.
____ end of Daddy's message____
The day continued after Daddy and Big C left. Big E and Monkey thoroughly enjoyed themselves in the "slip and slide" area. Since Big E's momma is a pretty major wimp when it comes to snakes that are the same diameter as she is, Saje brought big E and Monkey to pet the ginormous snake. They thought that was awesome.
We topped the night off with a BBQ at the Bussey household (where the most recent quote of the day was uttered) and then off to bed. Currently it is 8:01 and all three of my boys are fast asleep.
We'll be sure to catch the next outdoor fair or fun day. Keep checking in!
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