We piled the kids into the 'green train' and headed for the sunshine and excavators.
Here are some shots of Mimi giving Big C an underduck (or is it Underdog?).
Monkey had been telling me all about the 'tree-to-tree' game. So I asked for an explanation and an example. It's just like it sounds. You run as fast as you can from one tree to another. Then to the next. And so on. (for some strange reason the first picture makes me think that they should all be singing "we're off to the see the wizard")
Here are some really fun shots of everyone just being kids.
It's definitely an underdog. Ancient Canadian custom I'm sure.
This Nepean born and raised girl can tell you it's a underDUCK for sure. A sense a poll in our future :-)
Of course it is 'underduck' as in "to duck under". What on earth is an 'underdog'? Is that like a rug?
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