Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bunnies are Ok

Today we had a fabulous time. We got up bright and early (read before 6) and started our day. Big C has been asking 'What's on offer for breakfast?' - a true sign that he's in for the meal plan that we've started up where we rotate through a variety of healthy options and they get to enjoy lots of different types of meals. Monkey was up soon after Big C and was raring to go. By 8 am we had played gone through all of our items for the day. To explain further, each boy gets to play a learning game on his own and they also get to play a game together. It's a fun was to cover learning skills, math, reading, gamesmanship and teamwork. It went very smoothly and the boys did very well. We also cleaned out the Tupperware cupboards - phew they were a mess.
Looking for something to do I decided to check out the local library to see if they had any reading times. Instead of this program, they offer 'Agent 009' - a crime solving / reading program geared to kids 5-10. I packed the kids in the car and we were off. Monkey did really well. He sat on the mat, took in all of the instructions and even made his own detective badge. He listened very closely to the stories and chose a book at the end to read for next week. It features a monster that can't scare anyone, so he decides to make a friend instead. It was pretty cool and I spent much of the time in another part of the library reading a huge train book to Big C. He chose a book about contruction vehicles to bring home. Go figure.
We stopped by daddy's work (hoping to find his iPod on his desk, but no...arrgh) and then came home for lunch.
After a little bit of play we had junk afternoon. The boys had picked out 'The Velveteen Rabbit' as a video to bring home. I recall the heartwarming story and knew that it would be kid friendly. Little did I suspect that it would clearly impress upon our children the joy, preciousness and life-long friendship that one can have in a rabbit. They aren't asking for Richard to come back any time soon, but they did suggest to me that 'bunnies are all bad daddy. This one is nice and would never bother mommy's garden'. I doubt we'll be swaying mommy or daddy's opinion on rabbits anytime soon, though if you know the story it made me hug my little boys a LOT. Likely the most precious, and tear-jerking, part of the movie was when Monkey realized the little boy was really, really sick. He said very comfortingly 'it's Ok, daddy. Kids can't die. He'll be alright.'. We had a good discussion about this, and that some kids do no matter how hard their parents try and how much they love them. It was really tough. There were plenty of hugs and daddy tears to go around.
I really love my boys and am looking forward to a wonderful summer together.

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