Monday, June 8, 2009

Soccer Week 3 - not exactly sun, but no rain!!

Monkey recently had his 3rd night of soccer with daddy as coach. Since it was nearby we took the bike trailer and went green! It was a lot of fun being able to chat on the way there as we rode through the streets. Monkey and I got there early, so we had the chance to play around and get warmed up. That required a little rehydration.
When practice time came Monkey was a little wound up, but so was everyone else. I think that the kids have figured this thing out and the sillies are coming out now that they're comfortable. It's a ridiculous amount of fun, with a little discipline thrown in every now and then. We did the usual drills and warm up where we wave to the parents. Monkey commented to grandma the cutest thing the other day. When all the kids wave over to their parents at the sideline, Monkey just waves straight ahead (since that's where I am.....leading the team around). That's so cute and smart all at once.
Game time cam quickly and the rain was holding off (phew!). Grandma joined us for the festivities and got a big snuggle from Monkey every time he came off the field. Monkey had some fun kicking ball, though he did have to work on his attitude. It improved steadily throughout the evening. A lot of kids are finding it challenging staying up past bed time, but we're usually able to keep things upbeat and fun. The parents on the sidelines are a BIG help. Here are some shots of Monkey (#12) chasing the ball around and having a great time.
Just before half time (or snack time if you ask the kids) Monkey had a turn in net. He loved it and did really well. Here he is stopping a shot and then throwing it back out.
He's really enjoying himself and we're having a great time together.
Long live summer!

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