Tuesday, December 8, 2015


We fly out of Sydney on Saturday.  I don't know when or if we'll ever be on Australian soil again.  This year, this experience are indescribable.  Part of me is thrilled to be leaving and thrilled to be heading home.  Part of me is devastated and grieving the loss of THIS.
We've done well.  The final wine count here is 3 bottles.  3 bottles that we have packed in to our suitcase.  Will they see Canadian soil? Now that is tough to say.  Those three bottles have almost 5 weeks of travelling to do before arriving in Canada.  That is not a commitment that I can make folks.  
I do think that I will take some time in Canada to dry out.  Not drink for a while.  Dave is NOT WITH ME on this.  He is giggling like a school boy at the prospect of heading home to his best friend and to craft beer. I'm not sure which order those two go in...

So with a couple of days to go I will commit to you faithful blog readers that I will TRY to post as much as I can while we are in New Zealand.  We will have access to the internet at some of the places that we are staying.  We will likely get a data plan for the phones while we are over there.  Selfishly I want to track the adventure on the blog since it is how I will be able to look back over our time there.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dry out? Dry out?? But WHY?