Monday, March 5, 2007

Big C's Barium Swallow, the results are good!

Today was Big C’s barium swallow. This is a test where they fill him up with a contrast medium and take images of his digestive system to make sure that it is working properly and also constructed properly. He was supposed to fast from midnight last night but we snuck him to the breast at 3 am just to give him a chance. He took the lack of food this morning pretty well. We got to the hospital and they got us in right away. He put on the little gown and we went in to get the test done.

Basically he had to take a bottle of barium and drink it while lying on his back. He took a few swallows but really wasn’t a fan. Poor guy, he cried and cried. When that didn’t work, he screamed. The two technicians that were holding him down were very impressed with his strength and vocalisation of his objections-I don’t raise victims in my family!!!

Since he wouldn’t take the bottle they went and got a syringe to force it down his throat. I knew that he would throw up, and he did. Poor little guy. That just made him scream harder.
Finally he had enough in him that they just had to wait for it to clear out the bottom of his stomach so they could see the position of the bowel. It cleared, and Big C got cleaned up and then I finally got to comfort him. He nursed well, belched a couple of times, and ate a big snack on the way home.

Heather and I learned long ago that you make friends with the technicians and you get answers from them as soon as you can. I asked the tech how it went and what she saw. She said that everything looked good. It seems to all be in the right places and working properly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wohoo! So glad to her the good news! And, yup, the technicians always know.