Thursday, March 29, 2007

Big C's Check up at CHEO

Here's a rundown of what was said this morning.

Big C was weighed at 9.435 kilograms (20.75 lbs) and measured for height (he's grown 4 cm or an inch and a half in the past 2 months). We went in and met with Dr. Barkey and she said that the Barium swallow showed a normal esophagus and normal stomach . Both sphincters are allowing emptying well. It isn't 100% diagnostic however since they can't be sure he was refluxing at the time.

She asked about the prevacid delivery (we're doing it about 5:30 am with some difficulty), how his sleeping is (good overnight and good naps), his activity level (it was obvious in the room), any signs of eczema (none), fever (none) and if he was still breastfeeding (twice daily at about 6:10 am and 9 pm). She advised that we keep on the Prevacid for the next 3 months, but after this current bottle of the suspension to switch to the capsule. 1/2 of a 15 mg capsule once per day for the next 3 months, then the 4th month would be 1/2 a 15 mg capsule every other day.

We will meet with her again at the conclusion of that 4th month (end of July). The capsule can be mixed with yogurt (which he loves) or applesauce. We are to track any spit ups on a wall calendar and bring that with us to the July appointment.

As for any regression he would demonstrate this through rejecting food his currently eats or thoroughly rejecting new textures. If there is any regression with 7.5 mg then we should go back up to the 10 mg, however she is optimistic considering how much time he's spending upright.

In terms of a potential dairy allergy, we are to look for loose stools (looser than what he's been having right now) and blood. His growth has been spectaular (they measued height 3 times) so keep up the dairy in his diet. HIs energy and activity are high, which are signs that the dairy is having a negligible effect.

His esophagus will only get longer in the next few months and his upright walking is definitely going to contribute positively to him "walking away" from this. This should peak towards 15 months (May). She believes that if all looks good in July that we can discontinue Prevacid for August, but we can discuss that then.

She doesn't expect any regression and feels that Big C is doing very well. The nurses just loved him and both boys were well behaved. The only follow-up that we have on the horizon is with her in July since he's not involved in any other studies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news!! Sounds like we're gonna have another tall one. Good thing too -- because this whole coordination thing was making us wonder if they'd switched him at birth during the whole 20 seconds he was at the hospital :-)