Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Post 501-Thank you Kendra and Jason

Today I went out to the mailbox and received a GIANT box directly from the mail man. I was expecting it to be the big order of Klean Kanteens that we just ordered to replace our (potentially) poisonous Nalgene water bottles and the kid's sippy cups now that they have been taken off of the shelves by Moutain Equipment Co-op and Lu Lu Lemon. It wasn't. It was a giant box addressed to Monkey and Big C. We waited until they were polishing off the cupcakes that mommy made to send in to school for Monkey's birthday and then we told them that it was addressed to them.
The wild rip and tear ensued and packing soon littered the kitchen floor. Monkey and BigC had so much fun with it!!
Inside they found...TRUCKS!! Monkey loves his Mater pull back and BigC loves all of the little vehicles that he got. His favorite is the yellow dump truck. They both brought thier new toy to their play class tonight.
Here is a video. There is a longer one too, but I am having trouble loading it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jason & I are very happy that the boys really liked their gifts.