Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Christmas Growth Spurt

The last couple of nights while putting Monkey to bed I noticed that the PJ's he was wearing were too small. I took them out of circulation in the morning and went on with my day. It wasn't until he came in to my room this morning with a shirt that he wore a week ago now looking like it had 3/4 length sleeves that I caught on.

He has really shot out!! None of his size 5 shirts fit him this morning. He owns 3 size 6 shirts and they are the only ones that fit. If anyone wants to get him shirts for Christmas, he suddenly needs 'em!!

Speaking of stuff for Christmas he would like to request Playmobil toys for Christmas. His teachers keep saying that he really needs to work on his fine motor skills and these toys are perfect! He has really grown out of most of the toys that we have in the house and needs more toys with little parts so that he can improve his fine motor skills. Big C is finally old enough for that to be safe in our house.
Playmobil are built in Europe and tested very safe. You can buy small sets for under $10 and mid range sets in the $30-50 range. It also climbs from there.
They can be found on-line at Chapters.ca (free shipping).
You can find them at Playvalue on Carling (they always have a discount section of the old stock), Toys R Us, Scholars Choice and lots more.

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