Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Saturday night we went on the traditional horse-drawn sleigh rides through the neighbourhood to celebrate the season. The boys got all bundled up for the cold weather, which actually turned out to not be so bad. The two of them jumped into the 'green train'(which I'll miss when they outgrow it) and headed for the horses. We had a bit of a wait ahead of us, so the boys each decorated cookies to pass the time.
Ok, it wasn't so much decorating cookies as a contrast in styles of using up the available resources. Monkey piled on the frosting and every candy in his cup, then went looking for more to add to his mountain of sugar. Big C on the other hand ate all of the candies out of the cup, then squirted on a little of the frosting and got down to eating that too. It was super cute.
Oh yes, and each boy had to have a balloon as well. They were a huge hit and E-man's daddy was manning the helium!
Soon enough our names were called and we headed out with the B's to go for a ride. The houses were nicely lit - some in just one colour to mommy's delight, others in a rainbow of colours to Monkey's delight. We traded cameras with the B family and took several goofy pictures of us taking pictures of each other. We sang a few carols, saw a few snowmen and then returned all too soon.
We took in the band playing some holiday music and then got back into the Green Train for the return trip. It seems like we just did last year's ride only last week. My how the time flies.

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