Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas part 1

This was the first year that Monkey really understood what was coming. They beat it into his head at school and day care and pretty much any where else that he has been in the last month. Of course, they only spoke about the presents and Santa Clause (and then more presents). No one in our society dares to speak about the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ...that is another blog post though : )

Our tree was frighteningly impressive even before the extended family arrived! Our family is very blessed! We started the morning off (you can see that it is still dark in the background) with the opening of the stockings. You can see big C in the background pulling out some Christmas oranges-a favourite of mine.
Mimi was quite pleased with her Lindor chocolates and the cases for her iPod.
oooh, a Bob the Builder video (yes folks, a VHS!!)
The big hit of the day: the Discouvery Toys Zip Track race track. This is only part of the set. We actually have two different sets-they are a huge hit! As I type this I can hear the cars zooming around the track.

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