Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ohhhh....a pirate mask

So one of the gifts that Monkey requested from Santa this year was a box to make a pirate mask for his costume. There was some general confusion about this one, and daddy dropped the ball briefly on it too, but the box was 'delivered' for opening this morning. Then the discussion about the mask came about:
Daddy: 'so how do we make a pirate mask?'
Monkey: 'we need to do this, this and this (waving his hands about in a cutting motion)'
Daddy:'umm, that's going to make a really big mask. It won't fit on your face'
Monkey:' It's not a mask you wear daddy, (looking at him like he's from another planet)it's a mask that you hold in front of you'
Daddy:' that's big enough to hold in front of you?'
Monkey: 'yes. Like a mask with a stick on the bottom'
Daddy:'you mean like a shield?'
Monkey:'yeah, that kind of mask. Like the shield that pirates have'

Now it all makes sense.

The happy pirate:
and the serious pirate (I wouldn't mess with this pirate in a dark alley...arrrr).

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