We started off early, arriving at the park about 20 minutes after it opened at 9. Dave rushed back to get our fastpasses for the Safari ride. We learned last year that the train ride around the outside of the park SUCKS. So we didn't bother. I found the Minnie ears that I have been looking for:
Not letting that get us down the boys went outside to see Mickey Mouse. They ended up playing a recycling game and winning a free certificate and pin. With pins come lanyard so they got two blue ones to go with the pins.
Then we went on the safari ride
Big C was pretty done so we went to Dinoland and he grabbed a nap in his stroller
We were not sure if he would be up for Everest (and mommy was fine to sit it out after hearing that part of the trip is backwards) but he was up for it and mommy was the first vicctim to go up with him. I have to say that I LOVED it!! Best roller coaster ever! It was the right mix of everything. Monkey wasn't too sure about going again but when we announced that Daddy was going alone Monkey was good enough to keep him company. He loved it!
We enjoyed some fruit popcicles in the glorious sunshine and daddy even ate an ice cream bar shaped like Mickey Mouse's head.
We watched the parade, which rocks! And the boys loved seeing all of the characters
We went to see the "It's a Bugs life" 3D show and it was really neat.
After that it was time to catch the bus back to the hotel since animal kingdom closes at 6. We came home and big C was instantly naked and looking for his swim trunks. We all went down to the pool and threw the kids and a beach ball around. Big C got THAT face on and Dave rushed him up to our room for some potty success. Yay!!!
We got cleaned up and then went and let the boys pick out their morning cerial from the cafeteria.
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