We got up at the crack of seven with two boys quite ready to go. We took off to the parks the long way to get it over with. We took the bus to Epcot

then the mono rail to the parking area then the steam boat to Magic Kingdom.

Big C was beside himself with all of the vehicles!
We arrived and Big C instantly recognized where he was. Before we even got in the main gates he was asking to go on the steam train, an old favorite from last year. It is a steam train that loops around the park.
We took the steam train over to Frontier land since they had a train ride (Big Thunder Mountain) that we missed last year. We got our fast passes then went away to wait. Monkey and Mommy went to Tom Sawyer Island and toured around. At one point we were in a really dark mine shaft/ cave thing and he was pretty nervous. He was holding my hand and telling me to go first. I'm trying to lighten things up so I say "isn't this fun" and "this is really cool" he replied "ummm, those are not the words I would use".

We could hear people screaming over at splash mountain and he decided that if they were screaming like that he wanted in on the action. Funny thing is that when eman hears them screaming like that in April, that'll be his cue NOT to go on the ride!!
Our turn came for big thunder and he went once with each of us. He LOVED it!!

Big C isn't tall enough so he had to watch.

So we split up. Mommy and monkey over to splash mountain and daddy and big c over to tomorrow land.
Monkey and I had a brief discussion that you don't get naked just because splash mountain is a water ride. You just get wet in your clothes. We rode it three times in quick sucession and he absolutely loved it. A combination of fast passes and rider switch passes and we were hardly in line at all.
Meanwhile big c and daddy were driving the race cars

and buying lunch. We met back up to eat and I managed to comvince Monkey that we wanted to go on Space Mountain. He wasn't game until he heard people screaming. Then he was in!!! He rode it once with each of us and loved it.
We rode the tomorrowland train,

the race cars

and did the buzz lightyear ride as a family then went to Tony's for supper. Wow, we had yummy salmon and strip steaks on our dining plan-yummm!
Monkey got to build his own Mickey ear hat after two days of scoping out what he wanted.

We ran into Pluto (one of his favourite stuffed guys)

Chip and Dale (asexual rodents that I annoyed last year) and got family phots with all of them.

Took the bus the short way back to the hotel and wrapped the night up with a swim in one of the pools. Big C just grins from ear to ear while he is in the pool!!!

Here is some cool sky writing that Daddy saw over the park.
1 comment:
I love how it doesn't look like Dave is wearing pants in the sleeping picture!!!
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