Already this trip is 2 days faster! Our direct flight from Ottawa to Orlando went off without a hitch! Dave drove us to the airport and helped us to get checked in.
BTW, I want to make one of those photo books I keep hearing about, rather than scrapbooking. I know that several of you (Heather, I'm looking squarely at you here) have made those. Could you please point me in the right direction to a good site at a reasonable price?
We made it through security and customs. They took my apples since the grocery store stickers were not on them anymore. Grrrr.
The Tim Hortons/ donut store had tim bits fully stocked so the boys were rewarded for their great behaviours with a treat for each hand.
The flight went well and the ipods came in handy along with the in-flight tvs.
We landed, caught the magical express (big bus with Mickey on the side for those of you speaking to Big C). We got to our hotel, got our room and headed off to Hollywood studios for a couple of hours. We saw the Muppets three D show with the special glasses.

Just as Big C was telling me that he wasn't enjoying the show, Kermit came out on a firetruck! He was fine after that! We played on "Honey I Shrunk The Kids".

They loved setting off the water and getting wet.

Then, for the grand finale. We found Luigi's Casa Della Tires (in a different spot then last year) and saw Lightening McQueen and Mater.

The line up was about 4 people long so we just kept going back to the end of the line and doing the whole thing again.

Monkey and Mommy want Mickey and Minnie ears this year so we headed off to the store to check out the different options:

We finally got hungry and caught the bus back to the hotel for supper. We had a big 'ol swim in the pool and went to bed around 8:30. The boys had a great day and daddy slipped in around 12:30 while they were sleeping.
OMG life-sized Mader. He must have lost his mind. And what's with the hats? Isn't that what Monkey's camera is for?
The photo albums -- I've made one, but never had it printed. I have seen them printed and they are really, really nice. Last I hear, the Kodak website did them. Possibly also Future Shop or the Blacks (do they still exist?) website?
Take to Kendra,
she made one for their wedding.
Godfather Jeff
My favourite website for doing photo books is It's US website but the prices are similar to Walmart. It's really easy to use and easier to load pictures than the walmart site. I made a total of 4 books and it took less than 2 hours. Kendra
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