Thursday, April 16, 2009

Quote of the day

I called Pier 1 Imports to let them know that my mom would be picking up my order today. No problem is the answer. I get off the phone and Monkey is quite annoyed:

Monkey: Mommy, when are you going to stop saying that Grandma is your mom?

Mommy: Ummm, but she's my mom sweetie.

Monkey: Not any more.

Mommy: when did she stop being my mom?

Monkey: when you became a grown up.

Mommy: Well who is she then?

Monkey: Grandma.

Mommy: who is she to me? Just some lady?

Monkey: yep, just some lady.

1 comment:

'just some man' (aka daddy) said...

Please print this off so that he can know that when he grows up you WON'T be 'just some lady' to him.
That's too funny.