Friday, August 21, 2009

Budding artists

Monkey and Big C spend a little time every morning doing some educational activities. We often read books, play some simple sharing games and do some numbers or words. I've also included artwork form time to time, but nothing caught Monkey's fancy until recently.
I stumbled upon a book called 'How to Draw Dinosaurs'. Monkey and E-man were all over it on the last visit. I renewed it once, but then it had to go back. So I searched for more and found 'How to Draw Dinosaurs (for 8-year-olds or so)', 'How to Draw Sports Stuff' and 'Draw a Circle Draw Anything'. Here's Monkey's pride in his artwork at using the last book and making some "space guys" - first the drawing:
then matching the colouring of the whole picture:
Big C , not to be left out, is doing a really neat preschool book with 365 pages. Here he is hard at work.
And the best way to celebrate on a summer day?

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