After settling into town we all decided to go off to the big park and zoo. We were expecting to pay admission and look at some moderately cool stuff.
Not at all.
Not only was it FREE
It was HUGE
What a venue for a family.
We started by playing at one of the three play structures for about half an hour, then headed off to the zoo. Here are the boys and Uncle J, Aunt K and Uncle B checking out the monkeys (how ironic)

Next, mommy and the boys sat for a photo on the big camel (a fake one, but in the area behind it were several real camels....they're huge!!!)

We took another half an hour or so and looked at all the cool animals and chatted as one big family. It was really nice.
Then we saw it.
The train ride.
Off we went.
(and we even caught the last ride of the day).

Here's Uncle J waiting with the boys and cousin Banana.

The kids were all smiles once they got on board in the front car with daddy.

We took the tracks across the dam.
What's that ahead Big C?

The screaming tunnel.

Why do they call it that?

Oh right.
and is it ever loud!

We wore the kids right out. So much so that the 'big boys' had to carry all the little ones back the entire length of the park to the cars.
No worries. We loved it.

These are the days that lifelong memories are made from.
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