Here is the crew getting all prepared. Big C feasting on his pre-game apple:
As is Saje:
I think that Big C caught wind of this falling thing and wasn't so eager. He spent a lot of time on the ice with some coaxing from mommy to get up and going. They both did their best and did Ok at the kick the cup game.
I'm buying stock in bubbles.
This stuff is gold on the skating ice. He was up off the ice and ready to have at it.
Monkey meanwhile was tearing it up. He was working it so hard with little steps and getting going quickly. He was able to turn around, skate backwards and then turn back around. His competitive side came out and he was passing people on the outside during a few of the drills. He was proud of himself. He's started internalizing things recently and it's making a world of difference. He wants stuff for himself and is going out and getting it.
Here's some video of Monkey on the ice.
And here he is doing the hokey-pokey:
Well done. We're all looking forward to next week!
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