Sunday, December 22, 2019

Costa Rica Day 2 Monteverde

I fell asleep early and deeply last night and woke up on my own, vaguely aware that the sun was already up (it was 5:30am). That was so good for my soul! 

We have 2 queen beds in our room and are each sharing with a boy, mostly because they might both die if they had to share with each other and I'm not listening to it go down. Just no. Both of our children have a queen bed of their own at home, so they were only *okay* at sharing a bed that size. I was selected to share with the larger boy, but Dave definitely experienced the sharper knees. I feel for their future partners...

We made our way down to the included breakfast and fueled up on the delicious local coffee. We had no excursions today so we strolled down in to town to check things out.

We checked the tourist shops and the local grocery stores for general stuff, but especially for coffee, dark chocolate and flavoured pork rinds (it's a keto thing...). We sampled the local coffees and found our favourite. Then, because we are us, found the best price in town for it (one of the two supermarkets) and purchased 4 bags of beans to bring home.

We found the local cutesy decor and furniture and were generally silly with you do.
It is fascinating to me that the locals have made fake evergreen trees and decorated them. This is just one of many that we've seen so far
This is the view of our hotel from down below in the village.Maybe this will help: We walked to and from the hotel reception area, but have been taking the shuttle within the hotel grounds themselves as they are so spread out and the climbs are steep. Buildings go up by numbers. The views start getting good at the 500s and higher. We are in the 700s and very pleased. The pool is at the 500s and this is the view:Cam tolerated a morning of walking and shopping on the promise of being able to hit the pool later. This is a pretty awesome hang out location, so I'm totally in to it.

Someone managed to knock over my water bottle. It is alleged that it was me that knocked it over while trying to climb in to one of these forking hanging chairs and managing to forget all about physics and land on my face beside it...alleged. So I opted to walk back to our room and filter myself a fresh bottle. Having not done the walk yet, it didn't seem like a bad plan.then I saw the steep climbs. Then I saw how far away our building still was  and I realized that I'd made poor choices. It goes without saying that I nailed my step AND stair goal for today.

Tomorrow we are headed zip lining and there will also be a gondola and a tram. We are all pretty excited.

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