We have revived our old blog to share our travels with our family, friends and our future selves. We've changed our names around a little to keep our privacy. We hope you enjoy your visit!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Flash-monkey says THANks for the PYJAmas heaTHER
Christmas with the Grandma and Grandpa
Thomas the fish thank, the third
Friday, December 28, 2007
DPoD December 28th - Part II Goofing around in the Snowcovered Yard
DPoD December 28th - Part I Puzzles and the Sharing Brothers
The WBs head to the happiest place on earth
We are heading to Disney!!! None of us have ever been so we are really excited. We are staying at a hotel right on Disney and flying in from Rochester NY. Yipeeee. Silly mouse ear hats here we come!!!
The trip minus food will cost around $2000. If anyone is interested in booking a trip, either at the same time as us or a different time, let me know if you want to save some money.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
DPoD December 27th - It took a few chomocolate chips but...
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Twas the Night before Christmas (and morning of)
The final project is complete and left out for Santa
A small plate was assembled and left out for Jolly St. Nick. Monkey and Big C were both off to bed on time so that they could get some sleep for Christmas Day. Monkey was out within half an hour or so, eager to make sure that he followed the poem from school that outlined' Santa only comes when little boys and girls are sleeping'. Thanks JK teacher!
Monkey was absolutely overjoyed the next morning and came out of the kitchen screaming 'Santa was here. I know. He ate all the cookies and drank the milk!!'. That was really heartwarming.
Friday, December 21, 2007
All daddies need beards quote of the day
"mommy, that daddy doesn't have a beard"
"not all daddies have beards monkey, yours doesn't"
"No, but grandpa does"
"No he doesn't"
"Yes, it is on top of his mouth"
stiffling laughter "monkey, that is called a mustache"
"Oh, well that daddy doesn't have one of those either"
Save $25 on eco-friendly power

Big C's clean bill of health
Here is a quick look back at where he was so many months ago

and where he is now.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
DPoD December 19th - Firemonkey!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Would someone please buy this kid a garage?
DPoD December 17th - Big C's Adventures in his room part II
Monday, December 17, 2007
DVoD December 15th - Monkey's Christmas Concert Song
This is my first attempt at the 'Daddy's Video of the Day'. Monkey did such a great job of singing his heart out at his Christmas concert on Friday and thanks to mommy's taping skills we'd like to share this with all of you. So here goes
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The aftermath of an MVA
I was so wrong. A year and 8 months after my original MVA, this week I was in another one and am feeling like I am right back where I started. I am in pain, alone, and swimming in a sea of appointments, and time away from being able to enjoy my family. Time that no one is going to compensate me for. Not financially, not in time back, nothing. I just get to suck it up. Meanwhile, the idiot who ran the red light on Wednesday is down in Australia getting married and isn't outside helping my husband shovel the driveway.
I am feeling really sad right in this moment. It is one of those things that no one can change, but it still feels awful. Dave has been outside for an hour now shovelling the driveway, he is not even half done. While any of you reading this blog know that Dave and I are not big on shovelling the driveway, eventually, it gets done. Today, as over a foot of snow falls, looking up and down the street you can see people shovelling their driveways in pairs. Spouses, partners, working together to dig themselves out of the snow.
Not us. Dave had to wait until the kids were in bed (since putting them to bed involves lifting and wrestling which I can't do), then he went outside, by himself and is working so hard to clear the snow all by himself since I can't do it with him. I am angry since I should be out there helping him.
So now when I think of the aftermath of an MVA, I don't just think about the pain that I am in, and bullshit that I have to endure. I think about Dave, with his head down, working really hard, without his partner by his side, taking it without complaining. Since, even if he did want to complain, he doesn't want to complain to me, so there isn't anyone there to listen to him and there isn't anything that anyone can do.
And that all burns that much more since neither collision was caused by me, yet our family has been sucking it up for the better part of two years.
DPoD December 16th - Oh the weather outside is frightful
DPoD December 15th - What Big C Does now instread of Nap
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Mommy update
Get better soon mommy. We love you.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
So, what actually happened?
So we are the blue (or is it turquoise) car in these pictures. The red car is a Honda Accord and the Purple car is an Audi. This is where we all started.
In this picture I have added thumb tacks to show the colour of the lights that we all had. We are turning left.
The red car advances into the intersection to go straight (you'll note he has a green). We advance and wait as we are turning left and the red car has the right of way.
The driver of our car says "oh my gosh, the purple car isn't stopping." I look over and sure enough, the purple car runs the red light and hits the red car.
With no where else to go and nothing we can do, we sit and the red car ricochets into the front of our car.
Instantly my old injuries start to flare up and by the time I got home (4 hours after the collision) I had already called and made an appointment with my chiropractor for today.
I iced my back, shoulder and neck last night and this morning and it is still incredibly sore. I am really upset, frustrated and annoyed. I had just spoken yesterday with both my chiro and my insurance adjuster about how well I was doing from the last collision and how pleased we all were with my recovery.
My chiropractor (who is awesome) said to me last night that since I was doing so well he thinks that I should bounce back quickly this time. I sure hope so.
I stayed home from work today and am having a bit of a pity party.