Friday, December 7, 2007

DPoD December 7th - How Big C spends his morning

Big C has woken himself up at about 6 am for the past long good while. He usuallly takes his time to make sure that he gets the most out of his morning. He has 'daddy beakfast' which now contains 1 or 2 little yogurts and then asks ' basement'. These requests are always granted usually with daddy in tow to keep an eye out. This morning howeer Monkey was away for a sleepover and Big C was all ours. So immeidiately after getting out of bed and having our yogurts we headed for the basement. He was overjoyed since mommy had joined us and he went straight for the swing. Check him out in his new sleeper (I don't think he's had it off, not even ot wash it)-thank you grandma!

After his time in the swing he decided to help himself to mommy's breakfast by pulling his 'hungry sparrow' approach. It worked like a charm as I think he ate more of mommy's breakfast than mommy did.

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