Way back in August I was walking down the road and I found a free fish tank for a beta fish.
This seemed like a lovely idea and kicked off our adventures as pet owners. Thomas the fish tank was a lovely fish. He stayed at home until Monkey got bored of him, then he went to Mommy's work. Right before the Christmas holidays Monkey noticed that he was gone and asked to have him home. He came back home.
As it turns out, in the winter, those little beta tanks don't hold heat and the fish get cold. When they get cold they don't eat. When they don't eat...well, you can figure that out.
So Thomas the fish tank went belly up. On Christmas Eve. We had some tears.
Aunt Heather to the rescue. She was driving byt he fish store on her way to our house and was more than happy to pick up a fish for her little guy.
Enter Thomas the fish tank the second. Thomas the fish tank the second didn't make it long. Such a short time in fact that there are not any photos of him. He too didn't eat, he too suffered the consequences of this type of behaviour. More tears.
Heather emails over the receipt for the fish and off I go to the store to trade in my dead fish for a new fish and to ask questions about why these fish wont eat. They explained about the whole water too cold, fish don't eat thing. Then they tried to sell me all sorts of bigger tanks.
No thanks. The WBs are all set up. We have been dragging a great big fish tank and all of the accessories for the last 10 years. Dave has continually asked why this big empty tank is coming with us and never being used. I kept telling him that the day would come, the day would come. Well, the day is here.
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